Tapera Rukwanha | August 9, 2022

The Failing Success
"Failure is a natural path to Success" Micheal Jordan.

Micheal Jordan
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my Life. And that is why I succeeded."

Colonel Sanders
A Boy from Henryville, Indiana who was a sixth grade dropout.

He worked as a farmhand, painter of horse carriages, enlisted in the US army but was discharged a year later, a railway labourer, studied law but ruined his career after a fight, sold life assurances, owned a fairy boat company, and sold electric lamps but failing to succeed in all.Opened service stations twice, a restaurant but didn't work out. 4 years later he bought a motel next to his restaurant, but burnt down after a fire broke out. With ambition he built another motel with a restaurant, until World War II forced him to close it down again.

After WWII, he tried selling his secret recipe but was rejected 1009 times, when finally in 1952 he sold his secret recipe 'Kentucky Fried Chicken' which quickly became famous. At 75 he was just getting started after years of rejection, failures and misfortunes.

Today, more than 25 000 KFC Restaurants in over 145 countries and territories around the world.

His story shows it is not the years in life that matters but the Life in the years. Even through failures you can build success.

Abraham Lincoln
'The best way to predict the future is to create it' he said.

He was born in 1809, in Kentucky, USA. He was born in poverty. At the age of 9 he lost his mother. He was self educated. He lost his Job. At 23 he ran for an election to beccome a member of Illinois State Legislature but lost. He lost 8 elections in Total.
He falied twice in business, the second time he had to borrow money from a friend but failed and spent the next 17 years of his life paying off his debt. He lost his fiance and because of that suffered a total nervous breakdown and spent 6 months in bed.
He then got married, had 4 sons, and lost 3 of them. After many losses, disappointments, rejections and failures, he was elected as president of the United States.

His story shows that you can be born with no advantages and fail many times but still achieve better and make a difference.

Point of Realization
Its not about failing in the end, its about what you do next after failing that matters.

After all success is not measured by failure, its just success, even in the worst case scenario success is achievable.

These Men faced it all and it can sometimes be worse than this. But what's inspiring is how they think, its simple but equally difficult, i have failed, what's the way forward from here, embracing positivity creating possibilities for success.

Therefore we learn how its truly important not to focus on the failures but rather to learn from them, focus on the positive and grow to succeed. Keep believing.
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Strive Karadzangare Amazing article Tapera
Kuziva Chibvuri Indeed failure is part of the process. The response to it is what matters. Thanks for the article